Read about Principles for Allocating ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Principles for Allocating ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Charitable nonprofits, which serve the same people and communities as governments, often as direct partners, offer the following principles to help guide the selection process.
Read about Finding the Right Board Members for your Nonprofit
Finding the Right Board Members for your Nonprofit
Resources and tips to help shape your nonprofit’s board into an effective force for good governance.
Read about Diversity on Nonprofit Boards
Diversity on Nonprofit Boards
A nonprofit with a diverse board is in a stronger position to advance equity, plan for the future, make prudent decisions, and take full advantage of opportunities.
Read about Research, Reports, and Data on the Nonprofit Sector
Research, Reports, and Data on the Nonprofit Sector
Nonprofits depend upon quality research to, among other things, increase their understanding, improve their operations and programs, and advance their public policy and public awareness initiatives.
Read about How to Start a Nonprofit | Step 1: Research
How to Start a Nonprofit | Step 1: Research
Before starting a new nonprofit, you will want to identify the clear need for your new organization in your community, the startup costs and business plan, and other important factors.