Resource Library:

Nonprofits have historically struggled to recruit and retain accountants, controllers, and CFOs. That struggle is about to get worse due to demographics, impacting both staffing and costs.

Background behind the need for a nonprofit-focused survey in 2021 and today.

After determining who will be responsible for the audit, the three main steps are selecting an auditor, preparing for the audit, and after-audit review, questions, and presentation to the board.

This month marks the 100th birthday of the federal tax deduction for charitable giving. That anniversary should be a day of celebration that this incentive to give has done for the American people.

Nonprofits have tremendous impact in each of our communities every day. Find out more about what makes nonprofits unique.

About the National Council of Nonprofits

Time is running out for charitable nonprofits to access funding that will support their recovery from the pandemic and their ability to use unique funding to implement solutions in their communities.

When organizations dedicated to serving the public good can’t secure the workforce to provide vital services, the whole community suffers.

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