This first edition of Nonprofit Essentials for 2024 comes with lots of new resources for your nonprofit. We start off with an article on how using Requests for Information (RFIs) instead of Requests for Proposals (RFPs) can help your nonprofit advance equity, find better consulting partners, and save money. Then we share news of a free webinar on January 30th, featuring Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, on how your nonprofit can access funding. Finally, we provide some tips on data privacy, and more tools for your nonprofit.
But first a little bit of news from the National Council of Nonprofits. Last week, Tim Delaney, our President & CEO, announced he will be retiring in early July. We hope you will join us in celebrating his 16 years leading this network, and wish him well on his next adventure as a Fellow at the Inspired Leadership Initiative at the University of Notre Dame.
Now, on to January’s nonprofit essentials… |