Tiffany Gourley Carter

Tiffany Gourley Carter

Policy Counsel

Tiffany Gourley Carter is the Policy Counsel at the National Council of Nonprofits and works to advance the public policy priorities for the nation’s largest network of nonprofits. Working in all three levels of government and all three branches of government, she tracks and spots trends of policy threats and opportunities for nonprofits. Tiffany covers a broad range of issue areas, including taxation, budget and spending, employment, government grants and contracts, advocacy rights, and regulations.

Prior to joining the Council of Nonprofits in 2016, Tiffany worked with a state association of nonprofits at the Hawai`i Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations, nonprofit law enforcement at the Hawai`i Office of the Attorney General, and policymaking in the Hawai`i State Legislature as a Legislative Attorney. A native of small-town Western Pennsylvania, she earned her B.A., magna cum laude, from the University of Colorado and her law degree at the University of Hawaii, receiving the CALI Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Organizations. She is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar.

In her free time, Tiffany loves surfing, skiing, traveling the world, and chasing after adventure. She serves on the Leadership Council of Nonprofit Vote and the Board of Directors of Impact Fund.

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