Our Supporters and Mission Partners

Join others who support our collective efforts to ensure a connected and powerful nonprofit community equipped to champion the public good.

Nonprofits are bridge-builders weaving our communities together. Invest in our work to strengthen and amplify the impact of small to midsize nonprofits embedded in local communities throughout the country – the 97 percent of nonprofits with revenues less than $5 million on which tens of millions of people rely daily. Your investment in our work expands the advocacy, research, information sharing, and capacity building resources available for all nonprofits – even those you are unable to support directly. To learn more about giving to the National Council of Nonprofits, connect with Donna Murray-Brown, VP of Strategy & Development.

Our Supporters

The National Council of Nonprofits is pleased to recognize those individuals and organizations who contribute to our work through general operating grants, project support, individual gifts, pro bono services, or in-kind contributions. We are most grateful. Our generous contributors are listed below alphabetically within each section.

Core Mission Partners

NCN recognizes as Core Mission Partners funders that invest in our work to advance the vital role, capacity, and voice of charitable nonprofits through our state and national networks. We’re grateful for the support of these funders, which also helps us continue building the capacity of our network of state associations of nonprofits.

Barr Foundation
Fidelity Charitable® Catalyst Fund
Ford Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
MacKenzie Scott

Philanthropic Allies

NCN welcomes as Philanthropic Allies those corporations, foundations, and individual donors who support our work to protect and advance their grantees, their philanthropic goals, and the sector as a whole at a meaningful level (generally $2,500 to $25,000):

Howard Barnett
Tim Delaney
Dyson Foundation
Mario Morino
Caroline Altman Smith

Our Other Generous Contributors

Doug and Allison Bauer
Sheila Bravo
Tiffany Gourley Carter
The Chandler Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
Rick Cohen
Calvin Crosslin
Kevin Dean
Florence and Paul Eckstein (in honor of Tim Delaney)
Renny Fagan
Anne Hindery
Rob Hoshaw
Jennifer Hutchins
Liz Moore
Donna Murray-Brown
Elaine Ng
Brian O’Leary and Amy Silver O'Leary (in honor of Tim Delaney and the amazing NCN team)
Christine Ortega
Sabeen Perwaiz
Sandra Quince
Kate Rubalcava
Jeanne Tedrow
Sean Thomas-Breitfeld
David Thompson and Caren Forsten
Craig Weinrich
Leon Wilson
Laurie Wolf

We apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions in our list. If you have questions or notice any omissions to this list, please contact us.

Support Our Work

Your contribution to the National Council of Nonprofits helps us help all charitable nonprofits to advance their missions – and benefits the many communities and causes they serve.

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